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2005-01-25 - 12:33 p.m.

Well� Happy New Year, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza, Passover, etc. It�s finally January 25, 2005 and I�ve still not regained my balance. Of course the never-ending morning sickness may have something to do with that. Yes, there is a 21.3mm-sized tenant that has taken up residency in my uterus. Had I only taken more care to cover myself up after I got out of the shower early in December, I might not be feeling like there was a spinning S.O.S. pad in the pit of my stomach right now. Pregnancies always tend to be a bit of an initial shock around here (we still aren�t quite sure HOW this happens), but once the final product is here, we can�t imagine having it otherwise.

How was my New Years Eve? As opposed to the blur of feather boas, sparkles, noisemakers, confetti, champagne and Jagermeister, my husband and I opted for a quiet night in with the family. In bed by 9, my pair of �2005 glasses� was safely folded away on my nightstand, next to my lifeless 20-05 dilly bobbers. They ought to be happy, as they could have wound up dropped during a drunken stupor and smashed in the street downtown somewhere along with clods of soggy rain-soaked confetti. Midnight rolled around, and instead of getting misty-eyed about the memories of the past year and taking part in a champagne toast, I was nudged by my husband and wished a happy new year before mumbling and falling right back asleep. A New Year�s Eve never to be forgotten � just like last year. I could not for the life of me remember what I did last year. I�m sure it was probably just as electrifying. If you�re reading this and I spent New Year�s Eve with you last year, I apologize for the failure to recollect. Please take no offense. I was, more than likely, very sleep deprived and probably on crack, figuratively speaking, of course.

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