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2004-08-20 - 11:45 a.m.

Afternoon Amnesia

It seems like it's Saturday today. Maybe because I was up until almost 2 in the morning drinking Smirnoff Ice at the computer. No, it did not get spilled. But had that happened, I would have known exactly what to do with all the practice I've head. It seems like Saturday every day, but for the fact that All My Children is on at 1:00 on the days that are NOT Saturday or Sunday. Yes, this is what my life has evolved to. I look forward to watching All My Children. There. I said it. And it's like a bad accident. You don't want to see it, but you can't look away. It started shortly after August 17th of last year when my son, Gavin was born. Suddenly I was removed from my daily commute to "the city" (as folk call it around here), removed from my familiar quick paced work environment and stuck at home with this strange little bald person who cried, ate and seemed to have developed an allergy to any kind of sleep that lasted longer than 5 minutes. What the hell have we done?? I would ask myself at 4 in the morning with this little guy in my arms screaming up at me. A year has passed and he is just SO cool, this little man. I have so much fun with him because he is just SILLY. My stomach HURT from laughing so hard when I glanced into the back seat to see him pretend talking on a Cherrio's cereal bar that I gave him to play with... as if it were a phone. "Mahhh.. Yeah... Mah...Mmm." I didn't want him to see me laughing or he'd stop. From his perspective, I put a little black thing up next to my face and talk to it from time to time. He has no idea there's someone on the other end. It may as well just be a Cheerio bar. He must think I'm crazy, but yet he imitates. Interesting.

But back to the All My Children... I started watching it when he was down for his nap. I watched it back in the early 90's and it was amazing to see some of the same characters back that I could most certainly recall having been killed!! What??? Turns out Maria, who was killed in a plane crash back in 1993 or so had AMNESIA and lived out in Las Vegas or somewhere as "Maureen" with some guy that she then married. Besides the obvious question of, "How she wound up in Las Vegas from the crash site in Penssylvania?" I wonder at how these soapy people are so incredibly suseptible to amnesia. It seems to be such a lazy "fix all" for tangled plots and storylines. My brain is having a hard time suspending reality anymore. Just about every character has developed amnesia at some point in the duration of the show -- even amidst all these doctors!! Start up an Amnesia Support Group or something, people!! In my own personal life, I do not know anyone who has ever suffered from amnesia. When we were about 12, my cousin Amy hit her head while we were at the neighbor's house. She couldn't remember that she'd just called her Mom moments prior to tell her that we were next door. That was pretty scary, however she quickly regained her memory and at no point considered running off to Las Vegas to live this total other life and then show up 10 years later like, "What happened?" or anything like that.

I attempted to find answers to my litany of glaring questions abc's soap opera forum. I HAD to know what the heck Maria was doing on my television screen in 2003. I was unable to ascertain much other than the her purported amesia and living in Las Vegas. I never was able to figure out HOW she got to Las Vegas from the plane crash in Pennsylvania... but whatever. I'll just assume that some evil-doer was driving by, saw a plane crash, found a survivor and kidnapped her. Because that's usually what happens in real life. While I was on this soap opera forum I was a little disturbed at some of the postings. Turns out there are people who weren't paying attention in Kindergarten through 2nd grade grade when the difference between fiction and non-fiction was being taught. More than one misguided individual attempted to publicly offer their opinion(s) and advice on FICTICIOUS story lines. Here is one example:


"HOW can she lie about that baby? She knows the baby is Bink's.. how can anyone live with such a thing? Knowing her Babe's baby is not there and seeing how Binks was? It is just wrong to allow the baby bwe where she does not belong !!"

Please pass the spelling, punctuation and grammar. Secondly - THIS IS JUST A SHOW. What ever happens happens because someone WROTE IT. And then the reference to "Binks". The character that this person is referring to is "Bianca" on the show. Binks???? No one calls her that on the show. Who are you, her secret best friend? These are the same people who refer to Rachel and Monica on Friends as 'Rach' and 'Mon', somehow implying that they know the characters on a much more personal level than the common viewer. That annoys me. A lot. I was out to dinner one night and heard someone talking about how they can't believe what 'Rach' said to Joey. I had to go outside for a cigarette. And I don't even smoke.

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