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2004-08-27 - 9:54 p.m.

Quit Looking @ Me!!

It's 10:00 on a Friday night. Had no trouble what so ever signing on to my account to add an entry. That's weird. Isn't EVERYONE home in front of their computer right now updating their online diaries and blogs? Oh wait (looking around) It's just me. (crickets chirping).

I had a web cam hooked up once. I've been paranoid about that damned thing ever since - even though it's not on. Just that nosy lense staring at me the whole time I'm sitting here. I'm too lazy to toss it in the cabinet with the old HTML and Javascript books, knotted up phone cords, ASDL cables, extension cords, cassette tapes, worn out CDs, book ends, bottle of fermenting perfume, last year's birthday cards, warped floppy disks, a plastic stein of pencils with 20 year old rotting erasers, expired coupons, broken CD players, etc.

There were times where I would sit down in front of the computer and forget that it was actively staring at me, along with friendly neighborhood serial killers on the other end plotting my demise. One night I was sitting here chugging down Smirnoff Ice like I was in a contest, puffing away on a psychadelic glass bowl, high as kites. A few seconds later an instant message BLINGS up on my screen. Tis my little 16 year old cousin.

16YrOldCuz: Hi Lisi! I see you!

ItWasntMe: Hey! How are you? What are you doing home?

16YrOldCuz: We're all watching you.

ItWasntMe: All of you? Who's 'all' of you?

16YrOldCuz: My Mom and Dad, and Grandma. We were showing Grandma how your web camera works.

*gulp* That didn't really happen. BUT -- it VERY WELL could have if I were that type of girl. WHAT IF????

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